
Second Reading – Future Made in Australia Bill 2024

Mr PITT: I rise to speak on the Future Made in Australia Bill 2024, which I have a lot of problems with, and the first is with the title. The title of this bill should be ‘no future for made in Australia manufacturing under this Labor government’—none; absolutely none. And I’ll go on to explain why that’s the case and line up the facts that demonstrate it.

90 second statement – Boundary Road opening

Mr PITT: Well, the missing link has been found. You can stop looking. Not only has it been found; it’s been delivered. The Boundary Road extension, the missing link in Hervey Bay, has finally been completed as part of the Hinkler Regional Deal—another project delivered and another critical piece of infrastructure for the people of Hervey Bay and the Fraser Coast. Congratulations to all involved.

90 second statement – Bundaberg VMR Fishing Classic

Mr PITT: Over the weekend, between 28 and 30 June, Volunteer Marine Rescue Bundaberg had their Family Fishing Classic, and it was an absolute cracker again. Now in its 17th year, it’s gone from 400 participants to more than a thousand. It is their biggest fundraising event.

90 second statement – Nuclear energy

Mr PITT: Of the advice of two Homers, there’s one that the Labor Party should have taken and the one that they did take. The Greek poet Homer said: ‘Words empty as the wind are best left unsaid.’ Unfortunately, those opposite didn’t take that advice.

Second Reading – Nature Positive Bills 2024

Mr PITT: Whilst the headline of this legislation might say ‘nature positive’, the reality is this is Australia negative. I’ve been through the second reading speech and other pieces of the legislation. The part that really stands out in the second reading speech is we know that most businesses are doing the right thing, but the intention of this Labor government is to impose yet another layer of legislation, regulation and enforcement over the top of them.

Constituency Statement – Jetstar flights to Hervey Bay, Pronto Modular, Etex, Local Sporting Champions

Mr PITT: I’m testing my rates of recovery here, I have to say! Jetstar flights have started from Melbourne to Hervey Bay, in my electorate. What an incredible opportunity. The first flight touched down in Hervey Bay on Thursday last week. It’s scheduled three times a week. The service will provide more than 1,100 seats each week between Melbourne and Hervey Bay.

90 second statement – Local Olympians

Mr PITT: Would you believe a regional centre, the Hinkler electorate, has three representatives at the Paris Olympics for 2024? I want to congratulate the three of them: Isaac Cooper for swimming, Keira Stephens as a paralympic swimmer, and Matt Hauser for triathlon. They’re all incredible athletes, all very dedicated and all very hardworking.

Constituency Statement – War memorial petition

Mr PITT: I table three petitions calling for all war memorials in Australia to be heritage listed to ensure the preservation and protection of them, now and into the future. The petitions have been considered by the Petitions Committee and found to be in order.

MPI – Energy

Mr PITT: I think it’s time in this debate we get some facts on the table. Here are a few. If we’re talking about increases in electricity costs under the Labor government, here are some samples: for Ausgrid in New South Wales, since the Labor government came to power, an increase of 29.5 per cent; for Endeavour Energy in New South Wales, an increase of 37.34 per cent; for Essential Energy in New South Wales, an increase of 30.5 per cent; for Energex in the south-east of Queensland, an increase of 35.73 per cent; and for SA Power Networks in South Australia, an increase of 33.51 per cent. They are facts.

Adjournment Debate – Local Government elections, Hervey Bay Historical Village and Museum 50th anniversary

Mr PITT: Over the weekend we had the local government elections in Queensland. I’m always happy to hand out some free advice, and I have some for new councillors and returning ones: stick to roads, rates and rubbish. I think that is what the ratepayers expect, it’s what they elect you for, and I hope that into the future that is what the local government elections will result in.

PMB – Cashless Debit Card

Mr PITT: I, of course, move to support the motion by the member for Durack and, in particular, the acknowledgement that it was the Labor government that spent $450 million on a divisive Voice to Parliament, and, not only that, they removed the cashless debit card from trials around the country.

90 second statement – #woodgatewedding

Mr PITT: It’s on. I want to give my genuine congratulations to Prime Minister Albanese and his bride-to-be. I think it’s fantastic news. It will be the wedding of the year; there is no doubt about that whatsoever. We’ve heard in the press all week that it’s about the when.

Adjournment Debate – Australia Day awards and Paradise Dam

Mr PITT (Hinkler) (19:40): Would you believe, Mr Deputy Speaker, that recently it was Australia Day? Around
Australia Day our local councils give out awards to citizens, and there were many in both the Fraser Coast
Regional Council area and Bundaberg. There were far too many to name, but I do want to call out a couple of them.

Adjournment Debate – End of year wrap up

Mr PITT: Christmas and the new year are rapidly approaching, and I think it’s an appropriate time to look at the year in review, the challenges that have been overcome and the great things that have happened in the electorate of Hinkler in the last almost-12 months.

MPI – Immigration Detention

Mr PITT: The previous speaker, Mr Laxale, had quite the jumble of talking points. We’re here talking about national security and keeping Australians safe, but the focus from those opposite is always on the Leader of the Opposition or the shadow Treasurer. How about you just tell us what it is you intend to do? That is what the Australian people want to know.

MPI – Cost of living crisis

Mr Pitt: Coming to the MPI: what we know is there a very few tradespeople on that side. The member for Hunter is here,
and I acknowledge that, as he’s a former fitter and turner, there is at least one on that side of the parliament; I’m not sure about the others. I want to use an analogy. When it comes to the cost of living in this country, the people
of Australia are in the iron vice.

Statement – Israel

Mr PITT: The horrific events in Israel might seem far removed from Australia, but they are
a stark reminder that terrorism still exists, and our nation, Australia, must remain vigilant.

Constituency Statement – Enio Troiani

Mr PITT: Today I rise to acknowledge the passing of Enio Troiani. Enio passed away unexpectedly on 19 August at the age of 64. He was the beloved husband of Marianne and the dearly loved father and father-in-law of Natalie and Tyson, Pia and Chris, and Gabriella and Andrew.

Second Reading -Water Amendment (Restoring Our Rivers) Bill 2023

Mr PITT: Water is always a difficult issue. It’s a fraught issue. It’s a complicated issue. The Murray-Darling Basin has always been that way. No matter where you stand, whether you are at a farm here in Australia—whether you’re in Queensland or South Australia or New South Wales—or in fact anywhere around the world, if you want to really narrow this down, the easiest way to think about it is: when you’re talking to a local farmer, they will think that downstream are wasters and upstream are thieves.


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