Working hard to create jobs

Monday, 23 June 2014

Letter submitted to the NewsMail on June 23, 2014:

Dear Editor,

Nothing could be further from the truth than Sam Williamson’s claim (NM 23/6/14) that the state and federal governments have done “bugger all” to address unemployment.

In the final year of the Howard government, the local unemployment rate was just six per cent. Under the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd governments the unemployment rate in the Federal electorate of Hinkler increased to 9.6 per cent.

Since being elected less than a year ago, the Coalition has reinstated Work for the Dole. I fought hard to ensure two of the 18 communities selected for the first phase are in the Hinkler electorate. We’re providing loans of up to $20,000 to help apprentices complete their trade. And we’ve introduced a scholarship scheme for university students from low socio economic backgrounds and regional communities.

Long term unemployed young people will be eligible for job commitment bonuses when they have held down a job consistently for 12 months and two years.  There’s also funding available to cover the costs associated with relocating to take up a job. We’ve introduced financial incentives for business too, when they hire a job seeker over the age of 50 who has been unemployed for at least six months.

I’m proud to be part of a team that recognises that Governments don’t create jobs – businesses do! That’s why we’re making it easier, not harder to do business in Australia. We’re cutting red and green tape to save businesses time and money. We’re providing support for businesses that want to start exporting their products to the world. We’re reviewing competition laws and working to conclude free trade agreements with our major trading partners.  And we’re repealing the Carbon Tax! And, just last month, I hosted a forum for local businesses in Bundaberg with Federal Minister for Small Business Bruce Billson.

We’re giving business the confidence and stability they need to invest and employ! Labor gave us two Prime Ministers, two Treasurers, five assistant treasurers, and six small business ministers.

Keith Pitt MP

Federal Member for Hinkler.

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