Bundaberg a priority for National Broadband Network

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Bundaberg has been prioritised for superfast broadband upgrades, with the NBN Co and Telstra reaching an agreement on an expanded program to plan, design and construct fibre-to-the-node high speed broadband.

About 200,000 premises will be passed by fibre-to-the-node nationally, including a high proportion that were classified as being underserved in the Government’s ‘MyBroadband’ study.

It is expected about 20,000 Bundaberg premises will be covered once planning and design work is completed. End users are expected to be eligible to connect to high speed services in 2015.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said the announcement was part of the Government’s ongoing reform of the NBN, to ensure that superfast broadband can be rolled out sooner, more cost effectively in areas that are underserved.

“I’ve been fighting hard to ensure the Hinkler electorate is a priority area for the NBN,” Mr Pitt said.

“As a former electrical engineer and small business owner with three children at school and a wife who works in allied health, I understand how important it is that Australians have access to reliable high speed internet.

“The top available downloads speeds will be approximately 25 times faster than current average fixed line broadband connections to Australian households.

“These speeds would allow more than ten high definition television shows to be streamed to a single household or business concurrently.  A three minute YouTube video will be able to be uploaded in 42 seconds, compared to 20 minutes on current ADSL connections.

“We have taken the steps to get this project on track after so many years of misinformation and frustration,” Mr Pitt said.

“We went to the election promising to get the NBN project done sooner and at less cost. Today’s announcement shows we are delivering on that promise.

“These upgrades will truly revolutionise the way people connect in their homes and businesses.”

Since the election, the NBN Co has expanded its fibre network in existing neighbourhoods to cover 385,000 premises, an increase of 86 per cent.   Work has begun on the fibre to the premises network in areas covering 447,000 premises.

Twenty development applications have so far been lodged with Bundaberg Regional Council for wireless internet towers in outlying areas. A further 15 development applications for towers have been lodged with Fraser Coast Regional Council.

“Today’s announcement and the rollout of wireless technology bodes well for further expansion across the electorate, especially given that Bundaberg is a point of interconnect.”    

 Media contact: Larine Statham 0427 653 814        

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