Media statement: Support for Tobruk

Monday, 8 August 2016

Media statement from Keith Pitt MP regarding the Queensland State Government and Bundaberg Regional Council’s support for the proposal to secure the ex-HMAS Tobruk for a dive site:

“I congratulate the Queensland State Labor Government for getting on board with attempting to secure ex-HMAS Tobruk.

I also thank Tourism Minister Kate Jones for her support and the work she has done to progress the proposal.

“It’s a positive sign that the State Government can see the merits that this project would have for the Wide Bay region and the significant boost it could bring to the local economy with jobs and increased tourism.

“I also congratulate the Bundaberg Regional Council for its commitment today of $1 million to the proposal, matching the Fraser Coast Regional Council’s $1 million.

“With $2 million in funding support available right now, I believe the region is well-placed to make a positive bid for the ex-HMAS Tobruk if Queensland is successful in securing the vessel.”


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