Boost for regional events through Community Investment Stream

Monday, 2 July 2018

Netball and an annual festival are the winners in the latest round of the Building Better Regions Fund – Community Investment stream.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt congratulated Bundaberg Regional Council on its two successful projects.

“With funding of $17,600, the council will enter a sponsorship arrangement with Netball Queensland to host the 2018 Primary Schools Cup in Bundaberg in September.

“It’s expected that this event will attract 2,600 visitors to the region, which will be a great boost to the economy,” Mr Pitt said.

Bundaberg Netball Association president Anthony Lewis said the expansion of the netball courts, funded by the Federal Government, meant Bundaberg could now vie for state competitions, like the Primary Schools Cup.

“It’s been many years since Bundaberg hosted a State Carnival and it brings a boost to the region with visiting players and their families, as well as our own players not needing to travel to compete,” Mr Lewis said.

Mr Pitt said the second project funded for $18,060 will develop a concept for an additional element to the annual Childers Festival.

“The aim is to increase visitor numbers to the annual event by 3,000 and will involve stakeholders from the community to take part in the discussions.

“These projects will help drive economic growth, ensuring that our region remains resilient and prosperous into the future,” Mr Pitt said.

Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government John McVeigh said the Building Better Regions Fund continues to deliver major benefits for rural, regional and remote communities throughout Australia.

“The Community Investment stream of the Building Better Regions Fund is another part of our plan for regional Australia. It supports community activities from expanded local events and strategic planning to improving leadership and capability,” Dr McVeigh said.

“Under round two, the Coalition Government is investing more than $4 million in over 100 Community Investment stream projects across Australia valued at over $7.3 million.

“This is expected to create more than 4,000 jobs which will beef up local economies.”

Dr McVeigh said the Coalition Government invested an additional $200 million in the 2018-19 Federal Budget to deliver another round of the Building Better Regions Fund.

“This is another great outcome delivered for regional Australia. The Coalition has a plan to deliver a stronger economy and more jobs and we are focused on getting it done.”

Successful projects for round two of the Infrastructure stream will be announced in the near future.

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