Questions without notice – Water

Ms SHARKIE: My question is to the Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia. On 28 May in Senate estimates the government advised that only 100 gigalitres of water is estimated to be recovered through efficiency measures. With water buybacks now ruled out, exactly how will the government secure the remaining 350 gigalitres committed to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan?

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Questions without notice – Resources Industry

Mr THOMPSON: My question is to the Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia. Will the minister outline to the House how the resource sector is contributing to Australia’s economy and how the Morrison government’s support is delivering jobs and prosperity for all Australians?

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Media statement from Keith Pitt MP on News Corp announcement

News Corp’s decision to stop printing a large number of newspapers right across the country, including regional Queensland, will have a long-lasting impact on regional journalism.

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Financial boost for local athletes

Twenty-three young athletes across the Bundaberg and Hervey Bay region have received a helping hand for competitions held before coronavirus struck.

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Media Statement on the retirement of Ted Sorensen

Today’s news of the retirement of State Member for Hervey Bay Ted Sorensen was described as ’the end of an era’.

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