Question without notice – Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility: CopperString Project

Mr KATTER: Thank you very much, Mr Speaker. In six years, all NAIF’s done is extend a JCU building. Minister, you are the hero cutting the Gordian knot, unleashing the locomotive of prosperity. Won’t your NAIF CopperString initiative stop the strangulation of the North West Minerals Province and overcome the crippling effects of diesel generators and a tiny gas-fired power-station monopoly, which create electricity costs crushing what should be the world’s greatest mineral province? Minister, with NAIF’s CopperString, won’t we build the golden pit of prosperity?

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Questions without notice – Energy

Mr O’DOWD: My question is to the Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia. Will the minister outline how the Morrison government’s gas-fired recovery through the Beetaloo Basin is supporting the economy and explain how the gas industry is backing workers across regional Australia?

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Labor must support Queensland coal workers

Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia, Keith Pitt, is calling on Labor to condemn the latest attempt by activists to use the courts to delay a major Queensland coal mine project.

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MPI – Manufacturing Industry

Mr PITT: I say to the member for Chifley: there’s a lot talk about who’s not here. I’m here, Huckleberry! No problems at all. I’m very pleased to be here talking about manufacturing. As someone who actually worked in manufacturing, did a trade in manufacturing—

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Questions without notice – Budget

Mr THOMPSON: My question is to the Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia. Will the minister outline how the Morrison government’s plan for economic recovery is backing our minerals industry and its workers across regional Australia, including North Queensland, and is the minister aware of any alternatives?

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Tenders called to build new major Hervey Bay road link

Tenders are now being sought to build a major new east-west arterial road in Hervey Bay.

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No-way Albo’s position on Cashless Debit Card: Do nothing

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt has slammed Labor opposition leader Anthony Albanese who stated in a radio interview this week that Labor will scrap the Cashless Debit Card if elected.

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Site investigations underway for new Council buildings

Site investigations are underway for new Fraser Coast Regional Council buildings in Hervey Bay.

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New marine base to bring jobs and industry to Port

Construction on the Pacific Marine Base will kick off next month, bringing a new industry to the Port of Bundaberg and more local jobs.

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Budget delivers boost for aged care and tax cuts to rebuild economy

A substantial investment in Aged Care, tax cuts for low-and middle-income earners, wage subsidies for apprentices, more funding for mental health and support for women leaving domestic violence are just some of the measures announced in last night’s Federal Budget.

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