Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Labor must support Queensland coal workers

Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia, Keith Pitt, is calling on Labor to condemn the latest attempt by activists to use the courts to delay a major Queensland coal mine project.

Minister Pitt said the Australian Conservation Foundation’s latest foray into the courts to stop the Bravus Mine proved futile.

“Bravus, previously known as Adani, has indicated the ACF’s action in the Federal Court will have no impact on the construction and operation of its Carmichael Mine,” Minister Pitt said.

“While the court was asked to consider a decision related the North Galilee Water Scheme under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act, the company says it won’t have any effect on its operations.

“This is good news for the 2000 workers the mine has directly employed in regional Queensland and the billions of dollars of local contracts it’s awarded,” Minister Pitt said.

“This is just another example of activists using the legal system to try and delay a major job-creating coal mine in Queensland.

“I call on Labor to condemn the Australian Conservation Foundation for trying to put 2000 regional Queenslanders out of work,” Minister Pitt said.

“This is another test for Labor’s claims that it supports coal workers. Will they condemn their activist mates or will they stand with the coal industry?

“We know that Labor was dragged kicking and screaming into approving the project for political reasons but this is an opportunity for them to show their support is real.

“Senior Labor figure Joel Fitzgibbon said this week that his party needs to wake up on the important issues and that Labor is no longer the party of workers.

“Their silence on this decision will further confirm that assessment in the minds of Australians.”

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