90 second statement – community events

Monday, 19 October 2015

Mr PITT (Hinkler) (13:46): On the weekend, my family and I attended a range of community events in both Bundaberg and Childers. Firstly we attended ReSTAMPED, which was part of the Crush Festival for 2015. ReSTAMPED linked with other simultaneous Place Activation projects in Toowoomba. The project was a collaborative effort between numerous local businesses, organisations and artists and aims to get the community thinking differently about spaces in our communities. In this case it was Bundaberg’s Post Office Lane. This otherwise quiet, ordinary thoroughfare was ReSTAMPED and brought to life with street art, live music, pop up cafes, fun activities and market stalls from 3 pm to 9 pm.

On Friday night we attended Emerge at the Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery. The event featured work from budding artists in grades 10, 11 and 12 from eight local high schools. Over 200 visitors attended opening night. The exhibition was a thought-provoking experience that demonstrated the high degree of artistic talent that we have in our local schools and highlighted the social and political issues of concern to Hinkler youth. A brilliant rendition of Erlkonig by Shalom students kicked off the Western Drought Appeal fundraiser at the Holy Rosary Catholic Church. Speaking of drought, I would like to congratulate Barbera Farms on donating 22 tonnes of surplus zucchinis and tomatoes to drought-feed cattle on stricken properties in western Queensland. I am sure more Hinkler farmers will follow their lead. Last but not least, the Ohana Winery and Exotic Fruits in Childers put on a great event on Sunday.

Finally, I would like to thank Darlene Dobson, one of my electorate officers. It is her birthday today. We could not do our job without her.

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