Minor parties promise everything and deliver nothing

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Letter sent to the Fraser Coast Chronicle in response to the One Nation candidate’s claims RE bridge over the Burrum River.

Dear Editor,

It would appear the One Nation candidate for Hinkler is off to a rough start. The statements he claims as factual (FCC 16/10/15) are, in fact, fanciful. In my maiden speech, I spoke about a number of infrastructure projects for the electorate, as well as seeking better opportunities for our youth, amongst a range of other issues. It can been read in full at www.keithpitt.com.au.

I have never promised a funding allocation from the Commonwealth for the Burrum Bridge. In fact, as recently as July this year, I told the Chronicle:

“Given that projects like this typically take years to plan and cost hundreds-of-millions of dollars, I have not promised any Commonwealth funding for pre-feasibility studies either before or since my election. Hinkler residents I speak to are more concerned with finding work and paying their electricity bill.”

As an engineer and tradesperson I have a strong view that large infrastructure projects should be well planned and value for money.

The One Nation candidate wants $50 million of taxpayers’ money thrown at a project without planning or scrutiny.

Few things in politics and life are certain. But you can be sure that minor parties will always promise everything, and deliver nothing, apart from chaos and disruption.

Keith Pitt MP

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