Thursday, 19 May 2022

Upgrade to get more people involved in football

An upgrade to the amenities and changerooms at Diggers Football Club will encourage more female participation and improve access for people with a disability.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt congratulated Diggers FC on its $20,000 Stronger Communities Programme grant.

“The Stronger Communities Programme has been fantastic for our local not-for-profit organisations and community groups like Diggers FC,” Mr Pitt said.

“The grant will be used to renovate the existing changerooms and amenities which means more people can get active.

“Sport plays an important role across the Bundaberg region and the improvements to the facilities at Diggers FC will benefit the whole community.

“More than $1 million in grants have benefited Hinkler groups from the Stronger Communities Programme and it was announced in the Budget that the program had been extended.

“This program is a valuable source of funding for these community organisations which need a helping hand to get these projects done.”

Diggers FC president Andrew Halpin said it was an exciting time for football with the FIFA Women’s World Cup to be held in Australia and New Zealand in 2023.

“This funding is a much-welcomed boost and the support from Keith Pitt and the Federal Government has meant we can get this project completed sooner,” Mr Halpin said.

“A major focus of the club has been promoting the number of females involved in our sport, but the current configuration of the clubhouse doesn’t support this, or access for people with a disability.

“The improved layout of the clubhouse will promote a more female friendly environment and our current disabled members will be able to attend events, improving the club’s inclusivity.”

Mr Halpin said he hoped work on the upgrade would get underway in the coming months and they’d be supporting local tradies.

Diggers Football Club has over 300 members as well as many volunteers and supporters.

The club facilities and grounds are used by many other partnering organisations including the Obedience Dog Club of Bundaberg, Bundaberg 8 Ball Association and Bundaberg Landcare.

The facilities are used Monday through to Friday year-round and as well as on weekends for football home games, 8 Ball tournament weekends and Dog Club carnivals.

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