Friday, 27 November 2020

Traceability grants to boost our premium exports from Hinkler

With more consumers wanting to know where their produce comes from, a new Federal funding round is available to enhance traceability.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said applications were open now for Round 2 of the Traceability Grants Program.

“Hinkler is home to many premium agricultural producers, businesses and organisations and I encourage them to apply for these grants. Traceability is an important aspect of the agricultural supply chain and increasing export opportunities,” Mr Pitt said.

The $3 million program provides opportunities for successful applicants to carry out projects that enhance product traceability and the competitiveness of our produce.

“A variety of innovative projects were funded under the first round including an app to enable real time tracking of animals from farm to destination; a portable x-ray scanner for determining seafood provenance, and a study to test the authenticity of cider made with Australian juice through a chemical ‘finger print’,” Mr Pitt said.

“This second round of the Traceability Grants Program is part of an overall $7 million investment and an important component of the Australian Government’s Ag2030 plan in support of industry’s ambition of $100 billion in farmgate value by 2030.”

Round Two of the Traceability Grants Program is open now and closes on 21 January 2021. For more information or to apply visit:

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