Statement on Bundaberg Regional Council ‘wishlist’ items

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Media statement from Keith Pitt MP provided to the NewsMail on Friday, May 13, 2016, about the Bundaberg Regional Council’s ‘wishlist’ items:

1 What items on this list do you think are a priority for this region and why? In other words, what items on this list will you fight for if elected?

Projects that create jobs in the Hinkler electorate are my priority, like creating a military dive wreck, which could bring an estimated $1 million to $4 million per year to the local economy.

It would be great to see the Bundaberg Regional Council match the Fraser Coast Regional Council’s $1 million commitment to the HMAS Tobruk project.

A number of the items on the council’s ‘wishlist’ are already in progress.

An application for funding for Stage 2 of the Multiplex under Round 3 of the National Stronger Regions program is in the assessment phase now.

In the Budget last week, $73.6 million over four years has been provided for the network of 55 Regional Development Australia Committees (RDAs), to foster and strengthen local leadership across regional communities.

Also announced in the Budget, the Roads to Recovery program will receive $400 million in 2019-20 and an additional $50 million per year from 2019-20 for local councils to construct and maintain local roads.

And the Black Spot Program will receive $60 million per year from 2019-20, in addition to the existing funding of $500 million (from 2014-15 to 2018-19).

I meet regularly with the Bundaberg Regional Council and I have supported many projects and funding applications the council has made.

I look forward to continuing this positive relationship with the new mayor and councillors.

However, the Friday before the Budget was handed down was the first time I was advised of several items on the council wishlist.

There are many funding programs the council can apply for and I will continue to give my support to worthwhile projects.

2 Are there any items on council’s list you think are not a priority for the region? Please explain why.


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