Regional Growth Fund delivers for Hinkler

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Bundaberg Brewed Drinks is one major step forward to building its new custom-built brewery in Bundaberg thanks to the announcement of $19M from the Australian Government’s $272.2million Regional Growth Fund.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said Bundaberg Brewed Drinks had passed through a very competitive assessment process with more than 300 applications.

“This is a tremendous result for our electorate, to keep this iconic Bundaberg family business in Bundaberg, creating over 213 jobs in construction and 147 jobs post construction in what will be a $156 million brewery,” Mr Pitt said.

The 45,000 square metre facility will be built on a greenfield site in Bundaberg and will boast state-of-the-art facilities for brewing and bottling, distribution, innovation labs, corporate offices and a major tourism venture.

“We’ve just celebrated Bundaberg Brewed Drinks 50 year anniversary and I believe this funding will help ensure this international icon will be an economic force for Bundaberg for well over the next 50 years,” Mr Pitt said.

As with grants of this nature, a full business case will now be submitted with details of construction milestones and funding commitments but it is expected the project will commence by 2020.

Bundaberg Brewed Drinks Managing Director John McLean said “We are a proud Australian family owned business that has been based in the regional town that shares our name for 50 years. We’ve seen exponential growth and see this new brewery as future proofing the business to meet global demand. We wouldn’t even be having this discussion if it weren’t for the ongoing support of the region and its people.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Regional Growth Fund will provide grants of $10 million or more for major transformational projects that support long-term economic growth and create regional jobs.

“The Regional Growth Fund will unlock economic opportunities across regional Australia and we know that when the regions are strong, so too is our nation,” Mr McCormack said.

“I am pleased to announce the Government has selected a number of projects to progress to the final stage. These projects are one step away from receiving funding and making the regions where they are located even stronger and more resilient.”

“The projects selected focus on building on existing strengths, re-invigorating industries and tapping into a region’s tourism potential.”

“Funding requests for these projects range from $10 million to $29 million, making the Regional Growth Fund a significant investor in our regions.”

More information is available at

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