Monday, 15 June 2020

Prostate cancer nurses for Bundaberg and Hervey Bay

Australian men with prostate cancer and their families in Bundaberg and Hervey Bay will benefit from an expansion of the Australian Government’s Prostate Cancer Nurses Program.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt welcomed the announcement today that the region was one of 40 new locations under the program.

“This funding will include the employment of prostate cancer nurse services in both the Bundaberg and Hervey Bay Cancer Centres.

“So many Australian men and their families have had their lives turned upside down by prostate cancer, so I’m very pleased they will have the support of these specialised nurses now and into the future.

“This funding sends a message to men with prostate cancer that they do not have to face this terrible disease alone,” Mr Pitt said.

Minister for Health Greg Hunt said the Government is investing $23 million in the program through the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia over the next three years to support existing prostate cancer nurses and place specialist nurses in over 40 new locations.

“Prostate cancer is estimated to be the second most common cause of cancer deaths in Australian men in 2020, with an estimated 3,152 deaths,” Minister Hunt said.

“Sadly, more than 16,700 Australian men are expected to be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year.

“Since 2013, this program has funded the recruitment, training and placement of Prostate Cancer Nurse in 29 locations across the country.”

The Government is committed to improving health outcomes for men with prostate cancer and provides significant investment through provision of specialised nurses, medical services though the Medicare Benefits Scheme and pharmaceuticals through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

Since 2013, the Government has also provided over $84 million in support for prostate cancer research through the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centres, the National Health and Medical Research Council and Cancer Australia.

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