Wednesday, 21 September 2022

New scoreboards for Woodgate Bowls Club

Keeping score is a lot easier at Woodgate Bowls Club thanks to a grant from the Stronger Communities Programme.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt congratulated the club when he visited recently on its successful grant which has seen 17 scoreboards replaced.

“Woodgate Bowls Club received $16,300 to replace the aging scoreboards which unfortunately had rusted due to the club’s proximity to the sea front,” Mr Pitt said.

“The Stronger Communities Programme has been an extremely successful program which has helped community groups and not-for-profit organisations across Hinkler with a wide range of projects including shade sails and marquees, a community run cafÃĐ, a wheelchair accessible bus, improved disability access, upgraded kitchens and much more.

“Most community groups and organisations do a fantastic job with fundraising for projects or new equipment, and the Stronger Communities Programme has assisted to get the projects finished a bit sooner.”

Woodgate Bowls Club president Wayne Stanley said the scoreboards are used regularly by local members as well as visiting players.

“Our Women’s and Men’s players are at the greens at least five days a week and we host competition games with visiting teams from around the region,” Mr Stanley said.

“During school holidays the club also hosts visiting social groups and family groups, so its great we have the new scoreboards which are much safer to use.”

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