Tuesday, 10 November 2020

New MP backflips on support for Hinkler Regional Deal

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt has slammed the sensational backflip by the Labor member elect for Hervey Bay who now claims he does not support the Hinkler Regional Deal.

“Mr Tantari has misled and lied to the voters of Hervey Bay by back-tracking on his support for the Hinkler Regional Deal, which he stated both during the election campaign and earlier today in the local media.

“He has fallen over at the very first test. Will he stand up for Hervey Bay? The answer is no. Clearly his loyalties lie with the union that is telling him what to do, not with the people he has just been elected to represent.

“He claims to have been confused between the Hinkler Regional Deal and another economic plan but really he’s in damage control or has been living under a rock. 

“Sadly I’m not surprised that the ghost of Jackie Trad remains in the Queensland Government and the Labor member elect for Hervey Bay has jumped the gun without endorsement from his union masters. The Premier only just flew in and already the region has been forgotten. 

“The Queensland State Labor Government has once again shown its utter contempt for the people of Hervey Bay and regional Queensland.

“While it continues to be a disappointment that the State Government refuses to sign on to the Hinkler Regional Deal, the Federal Government and both local councils have got on with the job of delivering.

“The Hervey Bay Airport upgrade is complete, construction on the palliative care hospice is due to start shortly, the Ag Tech Facility is open in Bundaberg, the overtaking lanes on the Isis Highway will start early next year and the Boundary Road extension will also begin in 2021.”

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