Media Statement – Federal Election 2019 – election eve

Thursday, 16 May 2019

“If you want to stop Bill Shorten, you need to vote for the Liberal National Party.

“I am standing on a platform of delivery. We have delivered the Hinkler Regional Deal, we have delivered a number of projects through the Regional Jobs and Investment Package and the Building Better Regions Fund, and we’ve seen a real improvement in the unemployment rate.

“Funding for essential services continues to increase, with funding for Wide Bay Hospital network increased from $99 million in 2012-13 to $177 million in 2017-18, and funding for all 37 public schools in Hinkler increasing by around 50% per student over a decade to 2029.

“Bill Shorten and the Labor Party plans to tax Australians an additional $387 billion in new taxes affecting retirees, housing, incomes, investments, family business and electricity prices.

“He can’t even say how much his emissions reductions target will cost. It will cost the economy $472 billion, slash more than 336,000 jobs, cut the average wage by over $9,000, and increase wholesale electricity prices by more than 58%.

“He’ll drive down the value of your home, push up rents and impact more than 1.3 million investors who negatively gear with his housing taxes.

“He’ll hit around 5,500 retirees in Hinkler with the retiree tax affecting individuals, self-managed super funds and super funds. The average franking credit refund is $2,000; these people are not the ‘top end of town’.

“If you want lower taxes, a stronger regional economy and more local jobs, not just now, but long-term sustainable jobs into the future, then vote for the LNP.”

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