Sunday, 10 April 2022

Media Statement – Election called

Covid threw us a real curveball, but together we are working to build a strong economy and a stronger future.  

This election will be about a choice between our clear local plan to provide targeted cost-of-living relief, lower taxes, continued investments in roads, infrastructure, essential services and keeping Australians safe in these uncertain times, or Labor’s un-costed promises.

Labor can’t say how they’ll pay for their promises which means one thing: more taxes. Each-way Albo will say one thing in Melbourne and another in Central Queensland, and he won’t say no to the Greens. We simply can’t afford a Labor-Greens Government running Australia. 

My plan for Hinkler is working. I’ll be standing on my record of delivery and standing up for our region’s fair share of funding.  

I fought for more than two years for Paradise Dam and secured up to $600 million to ensure it is restored. But we can never forget, the Queensland State Labor Government broke it, they tore down the dam wall, but we will clean up their mess and restore water security for local growers. 

I’ve delivered tax relief for 53,000 taxpayers with more money in your pocket and the $420 cost-of-living offset for low and middle income earners announced in this year’s Budget. We’ve reduced the fuel excise by 50 percent and that is starting to flow through at the petrol pumps. 

Unemployment rates have plummeted to 5.3 percent across the local employment region and we’re providing more support so businesses have the confidence to invest, expand and take on more employees. 

I fought for one of Australia’s first regional deals which saw an investment of $173 million into projects across Hinkler including the palliative care facility at Hervey Bay, and the Royal Flying Doctor Service aviation training facility in Bundaberg.

I’ve fought for significant infrastructure investments right across the region including the common-use conveyor at the Port of Bundaberg, which due to delays by the State Labor Government required a further funding boost of $7.7 million. It will attract more business and more local jobs to our under-utilised port.  

I fought for funding for a critical care doctor for the LifeFlight Rescue Service and lobbied the regional health minister to fund this position which will help care for you in your time of need.   

I took up the fight for GPs in Hervey Bay to be able to access a larger recruitment pool for hiring doctors and won. Local medical practices now can take on Australian bonded doctors as well as overseas-trained doctors, making it easier for you to access a GP. 

To make sure you get home safer and sooner, millions of dollars have been invested in upgrades on the Bruce Highway, local roads and notorious intersections. 

I am fighting for Hinkler and I’ll continue to put you first and fight for more funding to build a strong economy and a stronger future. 

Connect With Keith

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