Monday, 11 April 2022

Intersection upgrades to improve road safety for local residents

Residents in Hervey Bay and Bundaberg received a road safety boost today with the Australian Government announcing it will invest $744,000 toward two projects under the 2022–23 Black Spot Program.

The Black Spot Program funds safety measures such as traffic signals and roundabouts at locations where a number of serious crashes are known to have occurred, or are at risk of occurring.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said safety upgrades would be undertaken at the intersection of Avoca Street, Hope Street and Grimwood Street at Bundaberg West, and the intersection of Pulgul Street and Moolyyir Street at Urangan.

“These projects wouldn’t be delivered without the community’s vital input to identify problems areas on our local roads,” Mr Pitt said.

“I want to ensure that everyone gets home safe and fixing notorious black spots is something I have fought for funding for.

“Road crashes place major emotional strain on all affected communities but particularly the families and friends of the victims, as well as our emergency responders and health professionals.

“Anyone can nominate a dangerous intersection in your local area – maybe it’s an intersection you pass through every day on your way to drop the kids off at school, or on your way to work. I encourage all residents and motorists in the region to nominate projects for future funding rounds.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said the Government’s investment would continue to make roads safer across the nation.

“The Government is committed to reducing deaths on our roads and sparing families from the immeasurable impact these tragedies have,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“Funding under the Black Spot Program will deliver much-needed safety upgrades to some of the most dangerous sections of our roads, making them safer and keeping commuters and freight moving.

“The Government is investing more than $25 billion in road safety projects over the next four years.

“This funding is part of the Government’s $1.3 billion commitment to the Black Spot Program from 2013-14 to 2025-26 to improve road safety across the nation.”

To nominate a black spot, visit

Successful projects:

Intersection of Avoca Street and Hope Street and Grimwood Street at Bundaberg West: Install kerb build outs and raised concrete medians on northern and southern approaches. Replace and install signage and additional street lighting at the intersection;


Intersection of Pulgul Street and Moolyyir Street at Urangan: Install a single lane roundabout, including pedestrian refuges on minor legs with ramps and footpath connectivity to existing footpaths, on/off ramps for cyclists, upgraded street lighting and improvements to sight distance and delineation.



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