Hinkler MP takes action to create jobs

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt is getting on with the job of creating opportunities for the people of his electorate.

Mr Pitt today met with Assistant Minister for Employment Luke Hartsuyker to discuss the challenges confronting the region.

Mr Pitt said the Coalition Government was on track to deliver its election commitments to help more Australians find and keep a job.

“We’ve committed to provide financial incentives to employers and employees to get young people and seniors into the workforce.

“Hinkler employers will receive up to $3250 when they hire a job seeker aged 50+.

“Hinkler residents aged between 18 to 30 will receive $2500 if they hold a job for a continuous period of 12 months, and a further bonus of $4000 when they attain 24 months of service.”

Mr Pitt said he looked forward to working with Mr Hartsuyker and the rest of the Ministerial team to create real opportunities for training and employment in the Hinkler electorate.  

“Our policies will help give businesses the confidence they need to employ.”

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