Hinkler MP encourages locals to show their support to troops

Monday, 18 November 2013

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt is encouraging local residents to support Australia’s Defence personnel and their families by sending them a message of thanks in the lead up to Christmas.

“As Christmas approaches – my first as the Member for Hinkler – I am mindful there are many ADF families who will spend this Christmas without their loved ones,” Mr Pitt said.

“Christmas is an important time for all families, and that’s why it is so incredibly important that we show our support to those service men and women who make significant personal sacrifices while helping secure the interests of all Australians.

“On behalf of my family, I would like to thank the thousands of Australians who have chosen to serve this great Nation.

“We wish them all a safe and enjoyable Christmas,  both here and abroad.”

You can send a message of support to the troops by emailing supportthetroops@defence.gov.au

You can also help ADF families whose loved ones have died or been injured in the line of duty by making a donation at www.legacy.com.au or www.soldieron.org.au  

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