Hervey Bay businesses set a strong example

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt today congratulated Surveyors at Work and Hervey Bay Computers on being among the first businesses in Australia to take advantage of the Coalition Government’s $476 million Industry Skills Fund (ISF).

Mr Pitt said Surveyors at Work successfully applied for $16,632 to upskill staff and broaden the services they offer.

“Using new laser scanning and UAV technology, Mark Ween, Mick Irwin and the team at Surveyors at Work will be able to compete in the mining sector,” Mr Pitt said.

Surveyors at Work Managing Director Mick Irwin thanked the Federal Government for the grant.

“These types of initiatives give small business the help they need to reach the next level,” he said.

“They’re also helping ensure that we have highly qualified and skilled people in regional communities across Australia.”

Mr Pitt said Hervey Bay Computers would receive a grant of $2,497.50 to expand their business into the growth areas of cloud-based server deployment, utilizing cloud-based security and networking devices.

“The ISF is designed to help small and medium sized businesses cover the cost of upskilling their staff, so they can diversify and take advantage of new market opportunities,” Mr Pitt said.

Hervey Bay Computers is a shining example of what small businesses can achieve, and why they’re so important to regional communities.

“Zac Janes and his wife, Loretta started Hervey Bay Computers in their home in 2012. By late 2013 they’d employed their first staff member. Today, they have five staff in their Torquay Road shop and their many clients include local schools, various Government Departments and several major commercial businesses.

“Helping businesses grow and compete in an increasingly global market creates jobs and boosts the local economy.”

Mr Pitt said experienced advisers were also available, through the ISF, to work with eligible businesses to identify and understand growth opportunities.

“I encourage other Hinkler businesses to apply for support to boost the skills of their workforce,” he said.

“With better trained employees, Australian businesses will be positioned to diversify into new markets, adopt new technologies, enter export markets and create more jobs.”

Mr Janes thanked the Federal Government for supporting small businesses in regional Australia.

“This funding will enable us to serve clients who want to move forward in one of the new, cutting-edge cloud based server environments,” Mr Janes said.

“The technology is still relatively new, but it’s already being adapted by some of the biggest companies in the world. It has the potential to significantly boost the productivity of the businesses that utilise it.

“The growth potential for our business is enormous. While we have a great existing residential and business customer base, we are looking forward to helping businesses benefit from the use of technology. These benefits include significant financial savings, and much better scalability for when our customers expand their business.”

Under the ISF, businesses are required to make a contribution to the cost of training, with the Government covering the rest of the cost. The co-contribution rate depends on the number of employees, with smaller businesses receiving higher levels of support.

For more information go to www.business.gov.au/industryskillsfund or call 13 28 46.

Media contact: Larine Statham 0427 653 814

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