headspace centre opens in Bundaberg

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Young people with mental health issues and related problems are now receiving holistic support from the new headspace centre in Bundaberg, Queensland.

Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt visited the centre today which is operated by a consortium led by United Synergies.

headspace is funded by the Australian Government and offers early intervention for 12 to 25-year-olds in four key areas: mental health; related physical health; social and vocational support ; and alcohol and other drug use.

“There are more pressures on young people today than ever, and for some, life can become overwhelming,” Mr Pitt said.

“headspace provides holistic support – not just treating people with mental health problems but providing the right sympathetic intervention when they are at risk.”

As a key element of the Australian Government’s mental health reforms, headspace centres and other Commonwealth-funded, regionally delivered mental health programs are now funded through Primary Health Networks (PHNs).

PHNs assess local health and mental health needs and can commission services to meet those needs, as well as making sure that services work for their clients and their particular circumstances.

“headspace Bundaberg is commissioned by the Central Queensland, Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast PHN, which also commissions the headspace centres in Gladstone, Hervey Bay, Maroochydore and Rockhampton,” Mr Pitt said. 

“Funding of $450,000 for 2016-17 was provided to establish initial services at headspace Bundaberg with a further $930,113 for 2017-18 to continue operations. 

“Young people are a priority because intervention early in life, and at the early stage of illness, can reduce the impact and duration of mental illness.”

headspace Bundaberg is part of the network expansion to 100 centres nationally which will assist up to 80,000 young Australians each year.

The Government has committed to expanding the headspace network by a further 10 centres to bring the total to 110 by 2019.

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