Have your say on inquiry into decentralisation of Commonwealth agencies

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt is calling on locals to have their say on growing jobs in regional areas, after the launch of a new inquiry into the decentralisation of Commonwealth agencies.

“I have long believed that the government should consider shifting federal government departments out of the capital cities to give people the choice of living and working in regional areas, but now it is time to ensure your views are heard,” Mr Pitt said.

“This is a chance for councils, chambers of commerce and community associations in Hinkler to put forward their case into what it could mean to our region to have an injection of Government investment.

“I urge every interested party to have their say in this important national conversation.”

The inquiry will look into the operation, effectiveness and consequences of relocating corporate Commonwealth entities, as well as the economic, environmental and capability implications.

“With 33% of Australians living outside of capital cities, it’s time for a fairer share of the job opportunities that that capital city counterparts can access.

“Housing is still affordable in regional areas like Hinkler, whether you buy a home in Hervey Bay, Bundaberg or Childers.

“I’m proud to be raising my family in regional Australia, but we need to provide jobs for the next generation.”

As well as offering housing affordability and a better environment for families, Mr Pitt said there were significant savings in moving Commonwealth agencies to regional areas.

“It’s estimated that relocating the Rural Industries RDC to Wagga Wagga from Canberra will deliver savings of about $1.2 million per year, including $266,000 in rent alone,” he said.

The closing date for submissions is 10 March 2017. For more information visit:



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