Grant helps provide fresh produce for food parcels

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Fresh fruit and vegetables will become a regular feature of food parcels from Global Care Bundaberg thanks to a Stronger Communities Programme grant from the Federal Government.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt congratulated the organisation which was awarded $8394 to purchase a cold room and install new shelving.

“Global Care Bundaberg has provided food hampers and low-cost groceries for nine years now and once the upgrade is completed people can be provided with fresh produce – an integral part of a well-balanced diet,” Mr Pitt said.

“The Stronger Communities Programme has been a real boost for community groups and organisations that would otherwise struggle to generate the funding for this type of work to be done.”

Global Care Bundaberg executive committee leader Yale Morgan said demand is growing.

“The cold room will allow us to provide fresh food and perishables, as well as store ingredients to provide free tea/coffee and fresh snacks to the vulnerable and lonely that visit our site and talk with counsellors,” he said.

“Freshly-made items make the clients feel special and provide a luxury they are not used to. All this contributes to them feeling welcome and respected, encouraging them to return.

Mr Morgan said the number of people using their services was increasing by 10 percent each year.

“Weekly, we provide low-cost groceries to approximately 100 families or individuals, and free food hampers to 23-30 families.”

Through the Stronger Communities Programme, eligible community groups can apply for grants of between $5,000 and $20,000 for small capital projects. All applications need to commit at least matching funding or in-kind contributions.

Each Federal Electorate is allocated $150,000 a year over two years. For more information go to

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