Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Government grant funds defibrillator for Legacy House

Time is of the essence for any medical emergency and Bundaberg Legacy is well-equipped thanks to the Stronger Communities Programme.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt congratulated Bundaberg Legacy on its successful grant of $2,515 from Round 8 of the program which was used to purchase a defibrillator.

“Approximately 27,000 people suffer a sudden cardiac arrest in Australia every year and sadly, just 11 percent survive. Survival rates are as high as 70 percent if CPR is administered, and the patient defibrillated within the first few minutes,” Mr Pitt said.

“Through this project Bundaberg Legacy is ensuring that volunteers, beneficiaries and visitors to Legacy House can receive immediate assistance should a medical event occur.

“The Stronger Communities Programme was an extremely successful program which has helped more than 90 community groups and not-for-profit organisations across Hinkler.

“Most community groups and organisations do a fantastic job with fundraising for new equipment or upgrades, but you have to sell a lot of lamingtons or sausage sizzles.

“I’m pleased to have assisted so many community groups like Bundaberg Legacy to get their projects done sooner.”

Bundaberg Legacy president Len Gordon expressed the organisations gratitude to Mr Pitt for his support in securing vital funding through the Stronger Communities Programme to acquire a life-saving defibrillator.

“Mr Pitt’s dedication to the well-being and safety of our local community is commendable. This initiative in making this essential equipment accessible to our volunteers, beneficiaries, and visitors to Legacy House is invaluable, as this defibrillator will undoubtedly contribute to the safety and welfare of our community members,” Mr Gordon said.

“We deeply appreciate Mr Pitt’s efforts to secure funding for important projects like these, and his commitment to supporting our community. His dedication to our region is instrumental in making it a safer and more resilient place for all.

“Bundaberg Legacy remains committed to serving our veterans, widows, and their families, and we are profoundly thankful for Mr Pitt’s advocacy and support.”

Mr Pitt said unfortunately, the Labor Government has made the decision to stop funding the Stronger Communities Programme.

“There has always been a strong demand for this program with Round 8 attracting 100 expressions of interest seeking $1.4 million in funding, with an allocation of just $150,000 available. It’s a program I will continue to support and I hope to see it return in the future.”

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