Freezer funding to support vital work of WeCare2

Sunday, 10 January 2016

WeCare2, an organisation which provides meals and assistance to about 1000 disadvantaged Fraser Coast residents each week, has been awarded $10,000 from the Federal Government to purchase new freezers.

Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt toured WeCare2’s new expanded Extra Choices Low Cost Food Centre this week, where job seekers, disability pensioners, aged pensioners and anyone with a Centrelink concession card can buy low cost food with a $5 annual membership fee.

“These freezers will enable the team at WeCare2 to continue providing vital assistance across the Fraser Coast – whether it’s through Extra Choices, the Community Connect Food Van, school breakfasts, emergency relief, or to support the Comfort Kitchen weekly dinner for the disadvantaged.” Mr Pitt said.

“I congratulate WeCare2 on its successful Stronger Communities application, and on fundraising a further $10,000 to put towards the four 1000 litre display freezers.”

WeCare2 Operations Manager Jan Carlson said the freezers had been purchased to coincide with the Shop’s recent expansion into their bigger new purpose built Low Cost Food Centre at their 225 Main Street site in Urraween Hervey Bay.

“The Low Cost Food Centre has been squeezed into our Administration building since the move to our own land at 225 Main Street Urraween in April 2015. During this time the small space we have been operating from has been very restrictive for our shoppers and volunteers and has significantly limited the amount of stock we have been able to display. Our new purpose built Centre is at the same address but provides us with the opportunity to deliver a far superior service to our customers with much more stock on display, aisles wide enough for shopping trolleys and a significantly increased storage & work area,” Ms Carlson said.

“These 4 new display freezers give us the ability to stock a much wider range and larger quantity of frozen goods that will benefit not only the Low Cost Food Centre customers, but also our other clients.

“On behalf of many disadvantaged families that We Care 2 assists every week, we wish to thank Mr Pitt and Federal Government for this much need funding for the new freezers.”

Through the Stronger Communities Program, eligible community groups can apply for grants of between $5000 and $20,000 for small capital projects. All applications need to commit at least matching funding or in-kind contributions. Each Federal Electorate is allocated $150,000 a year over two years. Applications for Round Two will open early in the New Year. For more information go to

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