Federal funding flows to Hinkler Councils

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Hinkler Councils will receive a total of $3.76 million for the second quarter of 2014-15 under the Australian Government Financial Assistance Grant (FAG) program.

The first quarterly payment for 2014-15 was made to councils in August 2014.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said the Australian Government was providing $2.3 billion each quarter to local councils nationwide in 2014-15, including $113 million to Queensland councils.

“Councils are free to spend this untied grant funding according to local priorities, including for infrastructure, health, recreation, environment, employment and roads projects,” Mr Pitt said.

Mr Pitt said councils in the Hinkler Electorate would receive $3.76 million in Financial Assistance Grants each quarter this financial year, including:

â€Ē $1.9 million to Bundaberg Regional Council

â€Ē $1.85 million to Fraser Coast Regional Council

“I look forward to seeing these Councils target local priorities with this funding.

“The Australian Government strongly supports Councils with programs like FAG and the $565 million Black Spots Program.

“For example, Bundaberg Regional Council will also receive $1.34 million this quarter under the Australian Government’s $2.1 billion Roads to Recovery program.

“Our councils rely on Roads to Recovery funding to target the roads that need it most.”

Media contact: Larine Statham 0427 653 814

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