Expressions of interest opens for Round 4 of Stronger Communities Program

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Is your not-for-profit organisation looking at a project but needs a financial boost? The Federal Government’s Stronger Communities program could be your answer.

Nearly $1 million has been invested in improving club houses, upgrading kitchens, fundraising facilities and getting projects off the ground in the Hinkler electorate.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt is calling for expressions of interest for funding from Round Four of the Stronger Communities Program.

An additional round of funding for the popular program was announced in this year’s Budget.

The program provides grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 to eligible not-for-profit organisations for small capital projects.

Mr Pitt said he was pleased to see the program continue for another round as it provided a boost for community groups and organisations that would otherwise struggle to generate the funding themselves.

“Under the previous three rounds of this program, $450,000 has helped Hinkler not-for-profit organisations offer more social benefits to the community.

“Just this week I visited the Bundaberg Railway Museum to see maintenance work completed on its heritage-listed buildings and on Saturday I will attend the first outside broadcast for Fraser Coast Community Radio – two projects funded through this program.

“I encourage organisations interested in bringing forward project proposals to contact my electorate office on 4152 0744 for further information,” he said.

An independent Hinkler advisory committee will examine and prioritise projects to ensure the funding delivers the best possible outcome for our local communities.

All applications need to commit at least matching funding or in-kind contributions.

You can download a copy of the expression of interest form here:

Expressions of interest must be received by the Hinkler electorate office by 5pm on September 3, 2018 and can be emailed to:

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