Club keeps cool at Isis Cultural Centre

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

The Isis Cultural Centre will be the coolest place to be after a successful funding application to install air conditioning.

Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said TSKF Childers Inc had been awarded $10,872 to install air conditioners under the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities program.

TSKF Childers Karate Club Inc holds classes at the centre which is also the main location for functions and events in Childers.

“The Isis Cultural Centre is a great facility and this will make training much more comfortable for students,” Mr Pitt said.

TSKF Childers Inc president John Russo said the installation of the air conditioning would further enhance the existing community facility and making it more beneficial to the residents of the Isis district.

“The Cultural Centre is the main hub for all major and minor events, and functions in the district, and this will make the facility much more comfortable for all community members,” Mr Russo said.

 The Childers Club was originally formed in February 1975 at the Apple Tree Creek Hall with some 80 people training.

 As time passed on the numbers dwindled, and in 1977 the club moved training to the Masonic Hall in Childers where a small band of dedicated students continued to train.

 In February 1982 it was decided to make a concerted effort to re-establish the club, and moved the training to the then new Cultural Centre.

 Since the club was reformed in Childers it has hosted the Queensland Championships in 1987, 1997, 2001, 2010 and 2012 with up to 200 competitors attending, and also held the first Wide Bay Titles in 1984 and have continued to host these titles every year since 1987.

Through the Stronger Communities Program, eligible community groups can apply for grants of between $5000 and $20,000 for small capital projects. All applications need to commit at least matching funding or in-kind contributions.

Each Federal Electorate is allocated $150,000 a year over two years. Applications for Round Two have now closed. For more information go to

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