Bundaberg region boosts local avocado output

Monday, 29 April 2019

Around half a million avocados will be packed and exported from Queensland’s Wide Bay-Burnett region, following an expansion and modernisation of Costa Avocado’s packing facility.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt, who attended today’s opening in Childers, said Costa previously had to send up to 200,000 trays of avocados each year out of the region for packing.

“This not only added an extra cost to production, minimising growers’ return on investment, but also shifted employment out of the region,” Mr Pitt said.

“This upgrade, which expanded Costa’s facility to create extra cool room space, a sealed loading dock and upgraded various pieces of equipment, will prevent the need for Costa’s growers and clients to send their produce elsewhere.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Federal Liberal and Nationals Government’s investment will create sustainable job opportunities.

“By increasing the total pool of both year-round and seasonal work, including with the suppliers and contracts in the region, this project gives a welcome boost to local employment,” Mr McCormack said.

“By making sure that these avos are packed where they are grown, this project is maintaining jobs and income within the community, creating a stronger economy for Childers and the region.”

This $990,000 project was jointly funded by the Federal Liberal and Nationals Government and North Fresh Pty Ltd under the Federal Government’s Regional Jobs and Investment Packages. This is a $222.3 million investment to help diversify regional economies, drive economic growth and deliver sustainable employment.

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