Almost $660K to fix blackspots on Hinkler roads

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

The Australian Government is building safer roads and a stronger economy through the national Black Spot Program.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt today announced $656,000 to fix five dangerous blackspots on State and Local Government roads in the Hinkler electorate.

The approved projects are:

  •  $200,000 Burnett Heads Rd and Mittleheusers Rd at Burnett Heads, to realign the intersection to a staggered T-junction formation and install right turn lanes
  •  $180,000 Burnett St and Targo St at Bundaberg South, to install medians with additional STOP signs, kerb blisters and pram ramps, as well as upgrades to line marking
  •  $105,000 Elliott Heads Rd and Hummock Rd at Windermere, to widen the approaches, install painted medians with raised reflective pavement markers, improve line marking and signage and upgrade lighting and culverts
  •  $78,000 Windermere Rd and Hummock Rd at Windermere, to widen the approaches, install painted medians with raised reflective pavement markers, improve line marking and signage and upgrade lighting and culverts
  •  $93,000 Maggs Hill Rd from Main St to Doolong Sth Rd at Nikenbah, to install additional signage and roadside barriers and seal pavement at intersections

The projects were recommended by a panel of independent road safety experts and will be delivered during the course of the coming financial year (2015-16).

Mr Pitt said, as a result of the Australian Government’s record infrastructure investment, an extra 42 projects would be funded in Queensland in 2015-16.

“Black Spot funding targets dangerous roads to save lives and reduce road trauma, ensuring our local road network is safer for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians,” Mr Pitt said.

“These 42 extra projects are expected to save an additional five lives and prevent 256 injury crashes over 10 years, delivering economic benefits of around $168 million.

“Anyone can suggest an intersection or stretch of road they believe should be considered for a safety upgrade, and we strongly encourage all councils and individuals to submit their nominations.”

State Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett said he would be nominating notorious sections along the Bruce Highway around Apple Tree Creek for future Black Spot funding.

“We’re very grateful for the Federal Government’s ongoing commitment to the Black Spot initiative and we look forward to providing solutions to significant areas around Apple Tree Creek, including the Adies Road intersection. These notorious blackspots need attention,” Mr Bennett said.

“These intersections give us grave concerns for the safety of residents and regular users of the highway.

“I call on newly elected Labor Member for Bundaberg Leanne Donaldson to ensure road funding committed to this region by the previous State LNP Government is delivered.”

Further information and nomination forms for Black Spot funding can be downloaded from:

Media contact: 07 4152 0744

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