Advisory Group launches petition and ‘weekend of action’

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

A petition has been launched today to demonstrate the widespread community support for a military dive wreck, to attract tourists to the Wide Bay Burnett region.

Principle petitioner Ed Gibson said the Wide Bay Burnett Regional Dive Wreck Advisory Group was asking local residents, business owners and tourists to sign the petition, which will be tabled in the House of Representatives by Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt.

 “The petition is available for signing at Hervey Bay Boat Club, Engineering Solutions Queensland, Ulton Chartered Accountants, Hervey Bay Chamber of Commerce, Burrum District Community Centre, and the electorate offices of Ted Sorensen MP, Stephen Bennett MP and Keith Pitt MP,” Mr Gibson said. 

 “Any other businesses or organisations that would like to help collect signatures can obtain posters and a copy of the petition by telephoning 07 4152 0744.

 “Advisory Group members will be out in force on November 7 and 8 for a weekend of action, collecting signatures at markets and shopping centres across the region.    

 “The race is on. We want to demonstrate to all three levels of Government that this initiative has strong community support, and that Wide Bay Burnett is the ideal place to scuttle HMAS Tobruk.

 “This region is renowned for its fresh seafood, perfect climate and awe-inspiring marine life and, yet, it has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.

 “Tourism operators need another water-based attraction that will keep boats in the water during the months that humpback whales and loggerhead turtles are not present.

 “Increasing the number of domestic and international visitors to our region will stimulate the local economy and create jobs.

 “It is estimated a military dive wreck would contribute between $1 million and $4 million each year to the local economy. This would be a great rate of return on a one-off estimated investment of approximately $6 million.”


Find HMAS Tobruk Military Dive Experience on Facebook.

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