A budget in the national interest

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Opinion piece submitted to local media on May 14, 2014.

The 2014-15 Federal Budget is not about self-interest. It is a Budget in the national interest.

At the September 2013 election, we promised to get the Budget back under control. This Budget is a key part of the Coalition’s Economic Action Strategy to build a more prosperous nation.

It is only fair that everyone makes a contribution to the Budget repair task.  That’s why we’ve frozen politicians pay and will put an end to Gold Pass travel entitlements.

We promised not to change pensions in this term, and we haven’t. We’ve also retained the diesel fuel rebate that benefits farmers and fishers.

When one person receives an entitlement from the Government it comes out of the pocket of another Australian.

Each year, the Government spends more on welfare than it does on the education of our children or the health of our people.

The time for everyone to contribute is now; before debt reaches such a level that we are forced to make even tougher decisions.

People earning more than $180,000 a year will pay a Temporary Budget Repair Levy.

The age of eligibility for the pension will not increase to 70 until 2035.  

You will be asked to make a $7 Medicare co-contribution when you visit the doctor, to help fund a $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund. Concessional patients and children under 16 will only have to contribute to their first ten visits each year.

Every dollar raised from the indexation of fuel will be spent on roads, and bring the Commonwealth’s total investment in infrastructure to a record $50 Billion by 2019-20.

I encourage you to read more at www.keithpitt.com.au


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