90 second statement – Hinkler Regional Deal

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Mr PITT: It took a while, but we got there eventually. In recent weeks, we announced a regional pilot and regional deal for my electorate of Hinkler. I just want to place on the record my thanks, particularly to the former minister, John McVeigh, for the work that he did in changing this policy to allow this to happen as a trial in our area. I also thank Prime Minister Morrison and others for having the sense to do what is necessary.

Those on the opposite side don’t particularly care. They’ve got no interest in the fact that the people of my electorate have the lowest per capita income per annum in the country—just $34,000 per year. We have a youth unemployment rate which is unacceptably high. Now we are implementing the cashless debit card, which is a tough policy—tough but necessary. We now have the overlay for economic development in our region with a regional deal.

They tell me it can’t be done. They tell me it will be difficult, and I acknowledge there’ll be challenges. But Premier Palaszczuk and Deputy Premier Jackie Trad can do this deal and they can demonstrate to the people of Queensland they are not just a government for the south-east corner, that they care about the regions and that they are interested in putting investment in infrastructure in areas like Hinkler. We need the help. We need the assistance. This is the opportunity for all levels of government to work together on what is a challenging area that needs support. I look forward to the announcement from the Premier— (Time expired)

The SPEAKER: In accordance with standing order 43, the time for members’ statements has concluded.

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