90 second statement – Energy

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Mr PITT: In recent weeks we have heard a lot about the big stick, and I note the contribution and the attempt at Monty Python humour earlier. What we do need to talk about will be the application of this legislation when the opportunity comes up. I’m pleased that Minister Angus Taylor is in the House to hear this contribution, because, the moment that the big stick is in the holster and available, I will say to the minister, ‘Get the big stick out and point it straight at Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and the Queensland Labor government, because there is no-one in this country who is robbing more money from electricity consumers than the Queensland Labor government.’ We should take the big stick at the first opportunity, bust up one of the biggest monopolies in this country and drive down prices for people in regional Queensland in particular, because in regional Queensland there is no competition. There is no-one else to go to. Queensland Labor are robbing $2.2 million—

The SPEAKER: The member for Hinkler will resume his seat. It being 2 pm, in accordance with standing order 43, the time for members’ statements has concluded.

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