90 second statement – Carina Speedway

Monday, 25 May 2015

Mr PITT (Hinkler) (13:58): I rise to inform the House of the reincarnation of the Bundaberg Motorsports Complex-Carina Speedway. The last meeting was held there in June 2006, but I am sure you can hear it, Madam Speaker—the engines are rumbling! It is due to reopen in September 2015. I would like to congratulate Pete Basmadjian and his group of hardworking volunteers for the work that they have been doing to get the speedway back up and racing this year in 2015. You will find those volunteers at the site most weekends, bringing the facility up to specification to meet all the safety rules and regulations. It is an area that promotes safe motorsports, and it will attract visitors to our region.

Back in its heyday, Carina used to attract thousands of people on a single night just to watch motor racing. It is a fantastic local event, and I am very pleased to get it underway. It will help out with our accommodation providers, our tourism and our local suppliers for the trade. The facility will cater for various forms of motorsport. I am very pleased that it will be underway very soon.

In the brief time I have left, I would like to inform the House about the CQ BMX titles which took place in Bundaberg and which I attended in an unofficial capacity. What a fantastic event! It is great for young kids and fantastic for exercise. They were five metres off the ground and then down they went and stacked the whole lot—but it was a wonderful event.

The SPEAKER: In accordance with standing order 43, the time for members’ statements has concluded.


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