90 second statement – Bundaberg Netball

Monday, 11 September 2023

Mr PITT: Right across the weekend in Hinkler we saw finals everywhere, in particular at the netball. As a former netball dad I know just how many parents are out with their kids. Those kids were out having a great time playing sport, and they had some wonderful results. It’s also an opportunity for clubs to recognise those individuals who have spent decades assisting, volunteering their time and doing what’s necessary to make sure their club functions and runs well and all the things parents and others do to help out their local community.

One of those individuals recognised was Sharyn Batt from Bundaberg, who became a life member of Bundy Netball. Sharyn commenced playing netball at eight years of age—as a nipper, would you believe?—including playing rep as a Bundaberg junior, apart from some time she spent in Brisbane, which happens to a lot of us who live in the regions. Sharyn, on two occasions, has taken the Bundaberg rep team to victory, winning the state titles in Queensland. She also coached the div 2 winners on the weekend—congratulations to the Across the Waves red team! I’m told I’ve got to get the right one. There are a number of them. Sharyn had been shortlisted previously at the 2023 Netball Queensland Awards as teacher of the year and previously a finalist as coach of the year. Amongst all of that, she’s a proud parent, a proud netball mum and a teacher at Walkervale State School. I’m sure every single one of her children is exceptionally proud.

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