90 second statement – Bundaberg Brewed Drinks 50th anniversary

Monday, 17 September 2018

Mr PITT (Hinkler):  This week it is all about anniversaries, and I’ll indulge and give a shout-out to my wife, who’s put up with me for 19 years today, who’s at work. But it’s not the only anniversary. This week it is also the anniversary of an icon in my electorate, Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, and it is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Having commenced in 1968 with Neville and Gladys Fleming, it is a family owned and family run company. They purchased Electra Breweries in Bundaberg in 1968, a bottling and fermenting business. The production of ginger beer expanded in the eighties, when the company secured distribution into New Zealand and further distribution into the Australian market. In 1985 they began exporting around the rest of the globe. That has grown to over 44 countries, including New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Singapore and beyond. In fact, I’ve seen many of their products on my travels all over the world. They needed a constant supply of ginger, and in 2004 started their own crop in Bundaberg for that supply. They built the Bundaberg Barrel in 2005, a fantastic tourist facility, which attracts more visitors to our regions and drives our local economy.

Congratulations to John, Cliff and all of the family members and their over 200 staff employed in regional areas, building our local economy, delivering local jobs and a wonderful product—Bundaberg ginger beer—right around the world. I highly recommend it.

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