$2,500 for Burrum District Men’s Shed

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

The Burrum District Men’s Shed at Howard has been awarded a grant of $2,515 from the Coalition Government under round 17 of the Government’s National Shed Development Programme.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt today congratulated the Men’s Shed on its successful application.

“Like similar sheds across Australia, the Burrum District Men’s shed offers support to any local men who need a bit of space and some friendly, easy-going company,” Mr Pitt said.

“Men are often the last ones to make their health and wellbeing a priority. It’s imperative that we do what we can to ensure they get the support they need and deserve.”

“The Coalition Government recognises these benefits and is investing a total of $5.1 million over three years to the national men’s sheds movement.”

Burrum District Men’s Shed will use its government grant to install LED lights and 12 double power points.

“Men are talking about their health more and more, and the men’s shed provides a safe and friendly environment for them to do so. Men’s sheds are integral to the community and the benefits to men’s health are widely acknowledged,” Mr Pitt said.

Burrum District Men’s Shed secretary John Laffin said the members appreciate Mr Pitt’s continued support.

“Keith has been a great supporter being instrumental in our acquiring a shed from the Department of Defence in 2014. The funds from the grant will enable us to complete our kitchen/meeting room lighting making the area more comfortable and usable to our members,” Mr Laffin said.

“The additional power points will allow us to move our office area equipment from the kitchen/meeting room to a more suitable location, and also the permanent installation of some of our machines.”

Health Minister Greg Hunt said feeling part of a social group is important to our emotional and mental health.

“Every day Men’s Sheds across Australia and in the Hervey Bay provide men with an opportunity for companionship and support within their community,” Minister Hunt said.

The Men’s Shed grants programme provides funding for health improvement activities, the purchase of tools and equipment, community projects and training, and for building maintenance and development.

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