Friday, 3 July 2020

Missing link to join Urraween to Boundary Roads

Construction on the long-awaited $21.7 million Boundary Road extension project will start early next year as part of the Hinkler Regional Deal.

The project includes new traffic lights at the intersections at Grevillea Street and Denmans Camp Road, concrete footpaths on both sides of Boundary Road and on-road cycle lanes.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said improving Hervey Bay’s east-west road links is vital.

“Improving these road links will bust traffic congestion and meet the needs of this region’s growing population,” Mr McCormack said.

“The project will fill in the missing link between Urraween Road and Boundary Road with a 1.9-kilometre-long dual carriage way to create a second east west thoroughfare through Hervey Bay.”

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said investments such as these have positive effects on regional economies.

“This project will take traffic off Boat Harbour Drive and give residents better access to the Hervey Bay CBD, major shopping centres, tourist destinations and the medical precinct,” Mr Pitt said.

“This means we can expect greater connectivity throughout this area, which will result in more support for businesses and greater potential for future growth.”

Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories Nola Marino said the project was a welcome new chapter in the region’s development.

“The connection has been planned since the 1980s, with most of the road reserve for the project dedicated in the 1990s, so it’s fantastic it’s now able to go ahead,” Ms Marino said.

“The detailed design plans have now been completed and work on the project is scheduled to begin this coming financial year, in early 2021.”

Mayor of Fraser Coast Regional Council George Seymour said the project would take approximately 18 months to complete, weather permitting, and traffic disruption would be minimised.

“As most of the project is across vacant land, we are not anticipating there will be a lot of traffic disruption as the road is built,” Cr Seymour said.

“There will be some disruption when traffic lights are installed at Grevillea Street and the new road is linked to the existing Urraween and Boundary roads, but the benefits of this work will offer rapid returns in time and safety.”

The $21.7 million project is being jointly funded by the Australian Government ($7.7 million) with the remaining $14 million from the Fraser Coast Regional Council.

The Hinkler Regional Deal is a collaboration between the Australian Government, Bundaberg Regional Council and Fraser Coast Regional Council.

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