Constituency Statement – Anniversaries in Hinkler electorate

Monday, 15 October 2018

Mr PITT: I rise to speak about four significant anniversaries that occurred in my electorate in recent weeks. Bundaberg Brewed Drinks had their 50th anniversary—50 years making the famous Bundaberg ginger beer and other products. Steinhardt Family Farms had their 60th anniversary. Better known as Macadamias Australia, they are currently investing some $22 million in an additional processing and tourism facility at their facility in Goodwood Road in Bundaberg. Bundaberg Fruit and Vegetable Growers had their 70th anniversary dinner on Saturday night. Of course, that other icon of Bundaberg, Bundaberg Rum, turned 130 in the last few weeks.

As we in this place all know, longevity is a difficult thing to achieve, so I congratulate Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, and particularly the Fleming family. It is still a family owned company after 50 years. Their patriarch, Cliff Fleming, features in their most-recent product advertising. I’ve got to say that Cliff loves a chat; he tends to talk considerably. It was a great event that they held for their 50th anniversary over the series of events in recent weeks. I’ve known Cliff for a very long time. I’ve got to thank him and put on the record my thanks. He gave me some work at a period of time when I didn’t have a lot to do. That was always appreciated—way back in 1990.

I congratulate the Steinhardt family—Janelle and Andrew Gerry, who are the current owners of Macadamias Australia, along with other family members. In particular, I have got to recommend to those in the Federation Chamber their chocolate-coated macadamias. Get out and have a look at Macadamias Australia.

Bundaberg Fruit and Vegetable Growers—I congratulate Bree Grimer and the team for putting together another fabulous ball on the weekend. It was well attended by hundreds of local fruit and vegetable growers in our district. As I said to the group on that night: they are the core of our economy. They are the ones who drive local jobs. They are the ones who take risks. They are the ones who continue to export our fabulous products right around Australia. I congratulate all of them for the work that they’ve done.

Finally, the Spirit of Bundaberg Festival on the weekend—Bundaberg Rum. I have to say it was famous not just for their product that they were putting out but a 50-kilo Bundaberg-Rum-shaped mud cake. It was quite an incredible thing. It was very, very difficult to move around, obviously. It was celebrating their 130 years in the district. They have always been a very strong part of our community. They continue to contribute to our community and provide local jobs through such a famous icon right around the world. In a previous role, I’ve travelled the world in trade, and I see our products everywhere I go. Whether it is in India, Saudi Arabia, China or any of the South-East Asian countries, you can find a Bundaberg ginger beer, in particular, in the shops, consumed by locals, which is driving local jobs in my home town.

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