Friday, 19 November 2021

Queensland Labor plan will lead to medical segregation

Plans by the Queensland State Labor Government to impose severe restrictions on people who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 should be seen as a serious concern by anyone who values our democratic freedoms.

While I strongly encourage all Queenslanders to get vaccinated so the country can open up, it remains a matter between every Australian and their doctor.

The Premier of Queensland agreed to the National Plan on re-opening borders, and I support the National Plan.

I am concerned that the Premier now intends to introduce a system that will effectively separate Queenslanders on the basis of their vaccination status, essentially mandating medical segregation.

With the exception of certain circumstances based on risk like health and aged care, all vaccinations in Australia are voluntary – but as the Prime Minister has said if we want the nation to open up and get back to our new normal, we need to have more people vaccinated than there currently are.

I do not agree with position taken by the State Labor Government. I support the National Plan to re-open our country once we reach the required vaccination rate.

I would suggest anyone concerned about the Queensland Labor Government proposal should contact their local State MP.

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