Question without notice: Nuclear Energy

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Ms BUTLER: My question is to the Minister for Resources and Water. Does the minister support the development of a domestic nuclear power industry fuelled by Australian resources and cooled by our scarce water reserves?

 Mr PITT: I thank the honourable member for that question. As the honourable member knows, there is already a nuclear industry in Australia; it’s at Lucas Heights. We already have a nuclear reactor in Australia producing very important medical technologies for all Australians. As the member knows—and those opposite should do their research—I was a supplementary member of a committee; I couldn’t even vote on the report that was put forward—

The SPEAKER: The Leader of the Opposition on a point of order?

 Mr Albanese: The question went to the domestic nuclear power industry.

The SPEAKER: I will just say to the minister that he’s entitled to a preamble, and he’s not yet 30 seconds in, but the time for that preamble’s rapidly coming to an end.

 Mr PITT:As I was saying—

The SPEAKER: No, that’s a ruling. You can note it and act on it, I think is the most important thing.

 Mr PITT: As I will. The opposition knows the government’s position. There is a moratorium on nuclear energy in this country. I was a member of a backbench committee which made recommendations. Those recommendations have gone to the shareholding minister, Minister Taylor, and the government will respond to them in due course.

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