Pitt delivers $12,000 for local veterans groups

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Hinkler veterans and war widows will undertake a series of bus trips, aimed at reducing social isolation, with Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt today announcing funding for two local organisations.

Mr Pitt said the Extremely Disabled War Veterans of Australia, Central and North Queensland Association would receive $6,600 through the Veteran and Community Grants Program to run bus trips across the region.

The National Servicemens Association of Australia (Qld) Incorporated Bundaberg will receive $1,371 to purchase computer equipment and software for the production of a newsletter.

They will receive a further $4,155 to operate a series of bus trips for local veterans and widows.

Mr Pitt greeted (National Servicemens Association) participants as they boarded the bus in Bundaberg this morning, to wish them a safe and enjoyable journey.

“Today’s tour will take passengers to Biggenden, Goomeri and Bjelke-Petersen Dam,” he said.

“The dedication and hard work of organisations like these ensure veterans and their families are provided with community care, access to resources and social interactions like these bus tours.

“I congratulate both organisations on their successful applications. The grants made to these and other organisations around the country recognise the Australian community’s appreciation of those who served.”

A Veterans’ Affairs Officer from the Sunshine Coast Veterans’ Access Network will be available to answer questions about the complete range of benefits and services at Bundaberg RSL on Thursday March 20, between 10am and 3pm. To request an appointment telephone 1800 555 254.

Media contact: Larine Statham 0427 653 814        

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