Monday, 14 February 2022

Pipework to temporarily shut Denman Camp Road at Cupania Way

Denmans Camp Road between Boundary Road and Cupania Way in Hervey Bay will be closed for a fortnight as work on a major new east-west road connection moves to the next stage.

This section of road will be closed while water mains and sewer mains are relocated as part of the Boundary Road extension. The Boundary Road and Denmans Camp Road intersection will remain open during these works.

It is anticipated that the work will take 14 days, weather permitting, and start on February 21, with detours via Boundary Road, Tavistock Street and Colyton Street to be sign-posted directing traffic around the roadworks.

Fraser Coast Regional Councillor Denis Chapman said the Boundary Road extension would provide alternative and improved access to the Hervey Bay city centre, major shopping centres, tourist destinations and the medical precinct.

“This massive road project – being delivered by local civil construction company SGQ – will provide a significant boost to the local economy, generating employment for 89 people during its construction,” he said.

“It will fill in the missing link between Urraween Road and Boundary Road with a 1.9km, four lane, dual carriage way.

“With the region’s population forecast to reach 150,000 within 20 years, an improved east-west connection will cater for growth, reduce traffic congestion and take pressure off Boat Harbour Drive, Hervey Bay’s primary east-west link.”

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said with the influx of people moving to the region throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the need for reliable transport routes for residents, freight, and local businesses, had increased.

“Congestion on Boat Harbour Drive has grown over the years and once the extension of Boundary Road is complete, it will give local residents that important alternate route ensuring Hervey Bay’s road network is ready for continued growth,” Mr Pitt said.

“Some of the key outcomes of the Hinkler Regional Deal are improved liveability for residents and road safety, which this project will provide for Hervey Bay locals.”

Queensland Transport and Main Roads Minister was pleased to see work on the project progressing.

“The Palaszczuk Government has contributed over $3 million towards this important project, which is creating jobs and building a better Boundary Road,” Mr Bailey said.

“Hervey Bay continues to grow as more people choose to live in Queensland, and it’s road projects like this that will ensure our roads keep up with that growth.”

The project also includes new traffic lights at the intersections at Grevillea Street and Denmans Camp Road.  Concrete shared pathways will be provided on both sides of Boundary Road with on-road cycle lanes also being included.

Total cost is estimated to be about $26.5 million, which also includes design and project management costs, cultural heritage monitoring, service relocations, landscaping and revegetation.

The project is being funded by the Australian Government ($7.7 million) as part of the Hinkler Regional Deal initiative, the Queensland Government through the Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme ($3.1 million) and Fraser Coast Regional Council ($15.7 million).

The project started in November 2021 and it is anticipated that works will be completed in June 2023, weather permitting.

More details about the project, including a flyover animated video, is available at

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