Partnership delivers new senior school facilities at Hervey Bay

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt and State Member for Hervey Bay Ted Sorensen today inspected progress on the construction of new facilities at St James Lutheran College.

The Federal and State Governments have each contributed $400,000 towards the $1.45 million development.

Mr Pitt congratulated St James Lutheran College on their successful applications.

“Construction began last month on three general learning areas, a science laboratory and preparation room, undercroft and veranda.

“Students starting their senior schooling next year will be the first to benefit from the new science and art facilities.”

Mr Sorensen said Government grants were important for easing the cost burden of delivering capital works for non-state schools.

“This is yet another example of how State and Federal governments can partner with the community for the benefit of our local students,” Mr Sorensen said.

St James Lutheran College Principal Shane Altmann thanked the Federal and State Governments for contributing to the growth of the college.

“St James Lutheran College recognises that the funding relationship between independent schools and government enables school communities, such as ours, to flourish in the Fraser Coast region, thus providing an authentic choice to families when educating their children,” Mr Altmann said.


Media contact:

Keith Pitt: 07 4152 0744

Ted Sorensen: 07 4124 1386

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