On the right PaTH – Local businesses hire 97 young people

Sunday, 18 June 2017

More than 5,000 young Australians now have jobs under the ‘Hire’ element of the Australian Government’s Youth Jobs PaTH (Prepare-Trial-Hire) program.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said Youth Jobs PaTH is providing a win for the local economy, with many local businesses already having taken advantage of the financial incentives available to hire more young people.

“Ninety-seven local young people who have been dependent on welfare in Hinkler have now gained employment through the Coalition Government’s innovative PaTH program,” Mr Pitt said.

“This is a big win for those young people and a win for local businesses helping them grow.”

“I encourage more business owners in Hinkler to consider taking advantage of the Youth Bonus wage subsidy of up to $10,000 to assist taking on extra staff to help grow their business.”

Minister for Employment, Michaelia Cash, said the Coalition Government’s new Youth Bonus wage subsidy has seen over 5,000 young people gaining employment through the PaTH program to date.

“We understand the best form of welfare is a job,” Minister Cash said.

“The Government’s significant investment in PaTH is focused on helping young people get the skills they need, giving them a go and getting them a job.”

Businesses employing young people (15 to 24 years of age) on income support and registered with an employment services provider may be eligible for a Youth Bonus wage subsidy of up to $10,000.

Youth Jobs PaTH also offers young Australians access to job-ready training programs through the ‘Prepare’ element and internship opportunities through the ‘Trial’ element.

For more information about Youths Job PaTH, visit www.jobactive.gov.au/path  

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