Friday, 18 December 2020

New playground creates community hub in Childers

Families and young children in the Childers community, and tourists, are set to benefit from a new playground at Apex Tramway Park which was officially opened today.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said the need for a suitable playground for younger children was raised with him by the Childers community.

“I’m pleased the Federal Government has been able to help fund this new playground, which complements the playground across the road in Millennium Park,” Mr Pitt said.

“As well as the new playground, which has a shade covering, there is seating, signage and pedestrian access pathways.

“This will create a real hub in the Childers CBD to be enjoyed by families with children of different ages and is adjacent to the RV parking area on Crescent St, so visitors to the region can use the facilities also.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Australian Government’s $50,000 investment in community infrastructure would provide long term benefits to the Bundaberg region.

“In addition to complementing the adventure style playground on the opposite side of Crescent Street, this investment will improve community activity, connectivity and interaction,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“By supporting eight jobs in construction, in addition to using local businesses and supplies, this project will help bring prosperity to Childers for many years to come.”

Bundaberg Region Mayor Jack Dempsey said he had no doubt the new Apex Tramway Park play equipment would be a welcome addition.

“The Childers CBD is already such an attractive place to stop and enjoy with its heritage charm and welcoming local businesses, so this is just another enticement for families to stay longer in the area,” Mayor Dempsey said.

“The equipment in this park will complement the adventure-style playground within Millennium Park.

“Importantly, this project was carried out in tandem with a pedestrian crossing upgrade on Crescent Street to ensure families can safely access the parks and play areas.”

This project received $50,000 in funding from the Australian Government under the Community Development Grants Program and Bundaberg Regional Council committed the remaining $70,000.

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